
Leaders have carefully considered the curriculum content. They have high aspirations for all pupils. Leaders check the curriculum in all subject areas and are continuing to develop and implement the ambitious curriculum they have in place. – Ofsted, November 2022

A warm welcome to our curriculum page. Here you can find all the important information relating to our curriculum and how it works here at TJLS.

Our Curriculum Vision

The aim of our curriculum is to open doors of opportunity for our children.

We achieve this through a clear and careful understanding of our intent, implementation and impact.

Curriculum Structure

Our curriculum is structured into different layers to ensure the journey from the National Curriculum Document (2014) to what the children experience in class is carefully designed and mapped out.





























Our Intent

At TJLS, our intention is for our curriculum to:

  • Extend opportunity
  • Raise aspirations
  • Give children an understanding of belonging
  • Promote creativity
  • Open children’s eyes to the world beyond their immediate environment
  • Enable children to live happy, healthy and productive lives
  • Inspire children to learn more

 The principles informing our intent

  • Our curriculum is focused on the development of children’s knowledge and skills across all primary subjects with the aim of ensuring children are ready for the next stage of their learning.
  • Knowledge underpins and enables the application of skill.
  • We strive for children to learn skills alongside knowledge – ensuring both are explicitly developed.
  • We believe knowledge x effort = skill and skill x effort = achievement
  • At TJLS, we believe effort counts twice.

Our Curriculum Drivers

Our curriculum is underpinned by our Dream, Discover, Flourish drivers. We also make use of the 3Es (Embed, Enrich, Enhance), to support children’s learning journey.


Our Implementation

We implement our intended curriculum through 8 key strands. The implementation plan has been informed by the work of Barak Rosenshine on Effective Principles of Instruction. You will see his principles threaded throughout our implementation plan.

Curriculum Pathway 2022/23

The school currently has previously used a Year A/B rolling programme – and to ensure sufficient progression of learning, we now need to move to a yearly curriculum that is coherent, sequenced, progressive and well-resourced.

This change will happen mid-year in 2022/23.

Click here to see the Curriculum Pathway 2022/23.

Click here to see our Writing Overview.

Click here to see our Maths Overview.

v7 TJLS Whole School Curriculum Overview – YEAR A_ EYFS

v7 TJLS Whole School Curriculum Overview – YEAR B_ EYFS

Curriculum Pathway 2023 and Beyond

This curriculum will be launched in September 2023. It will become the school’s yearly curriculum as we move away from a rolling Year A/B programme.

Click here to see the Curriculum Pathway 2023 and Beyond. 

Subject Progression Frameworks

We have clearly mapped out the progression expected across the curriculum and matched this to the content we teach.

These documents are organised with the National Curriculum Aims in mind – as well as the skills to be learned and the knowledge to be taught.

The frameworks have been planned all the way up to Year 6 in place for our potential expansion under the Schools for the Future initiative. This will ensure that we are clear with how our curriculum now prepares children for their learning later on the primary stage.

Click on the subject name below to view each progression framework.

Reading Progression Framework

Reading and Phonics at Thomas Johnson Lower School

Writing Progression Framework

Vocabulary and Grammar Progression Framework

Maths Progression Framework

Science Progression Framework

Art & Design Progression Framework

DT Progression Framework

Geography Progression Framework

History Progression Framework

PE and PSHE are formatted differently as we makes plans for further developing our curriculum offer in these areas.

Physical Education

PSHE/RSE (parents and carers have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of RE learning. Please contact the school to discuss this further if needed.)

Subject Guides

Below you will find a guide for each subject outlining our intent, the links to our curriculum drivers, and also our implementation.

Reading – we use Little Wandle to support our teaching of reading. Letters and Sounds | A complete Phonics resource to support children (






Design and Technology



Music – please see our Music Development Plan by clicking here: Music Development Plan Summary




To find out more or to ask for a paper copy of any of the above documents. Please request these from the school office.

For information on remote education provision, please click here: Copy-of-Remote-Education-Provision_-information-for-parents.docx.pdf (
